Posting a request is super easy, just follow the steps below:
Log into your account at Claire Global.
Click on "Requests" at the top of the screen or follow the link.

To post a new request, go to "Your requests" on the lateral menu, and click on the '+' button.

Fill out the form regarding the product characteristics you are looking for and click on "Save".
Now optionally you can add an image to help clarify which product you are searching for. After adding the image/s, click on "Save".
Claire Global will then conduct a thorough background search and contact all the sellers that can potentially supply this product for you.
You will receive an email whenever any supplier responds with a product from their catalog. Click on "MANAGE" to see the seller's response.
Click on the proposed product and click on "Purchase" (if you agree with the conditions placed by the seller) or click on "Bid" to start a negotiation (if you want to change any condition). Click on the links to see the user guides on how to purchase directly or start a negotiation.
Requests will remain active for 7 working days, after which they will become inactive and will be automatically erased.
You can also delete your posted request at any point by going to "Your requests", selecting the request you want to delete and clicking on "Delete".