Paleta Ibérica de Cebo loncheada a máquina 100gr - Ibérico Cebo Shoulder machine sliced 100gr - 5.20 EUR/Kg (5.20 EUR/Unit) EXW Spain
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Sanitary reg.: 10.19003/SA
TARIC code: 02 10 11
Health certification for: JPBGCRITSAand 65 others
Last update: 08/30/2022
Spain (ES)
Ibérico Cebo Shoulder machine sliced to facilitate the consumption, which comes from pigs fed on homemade natural cereals, produced in our own ...
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Ibérico Cebo Shoulder machine sliced to facilitate the consumption, which comes from pigs fed on homemade natural cereals, produced in our own parklands, based on wheat, barley and legumes. These thin and juicy slices are ready-to-go, just for you to enjoy them!
Paleta Ibérica de Cebo, loncheada a máquina para facilitar su consumo, procedente de cerdos alimentados con cereales naturales producidos en nuestras propias fincas, basados en trigo, cebada y legumbres. Estas lonchas finas y jugosas están listas para consumir, ¡directas a tu mesa para que puedas disfrutarlas!

Units / Unidades
The product could come in boxes of 10 or 50 units. El producto se envía en cajas de 10 o 50 unidades.
Storage / Almacenamiento
The product should be kept refrigerated to maintain all the properties. El producto debe mantenerse refrigerado para mantener sus propiedades.
Consumption / Uso
The product should be taken out of the refrigerator 15 minutes prior to consumption. El producto debe ser sacado de la nevera 15 minutos antes de su consumo, a temperatura ambiente.